The Ultimate Excel Toolkit for

Excel & Finance Professionals

100% confidence in the accuracy of calculations? Working to your own standards? We make it easy for you! With PerfectXL, uncontrollable Excel files are a thing of the past. Countless professionals preceded you.

Why PerfectXL :: Excel & Finance Professionals

Your work has never looked so good

Manage Excel models easily with PerfectXL

Did you know?


1.1 a 1.5 billion people in the world use Excel


52% of Excel users never received any training


An office employee spends 2 days a week on Excel


88% of the spreadsheets contain problems

Full grip on Excel models can be difficult

PerfectXL helps you with:

When there’s a rush to deliver or review a model, there’s not enough time to manually check all data and calculations. Still, you need some level of assurance. With PerfectXL, you can quickly check for major risks, such as broken formula sequences, incomplete references, and whether External sources are properly used.

Circular references in Excel can be annoying, as Excel alerts you to their presence but not always their location. In a large file, it can take a lot of time to find the source of the problem. PerfectXL saves you this effort by showing you the exact path of the circular reference, helping you identify and resolve the issue.

As an experienced user, you know how your model should work, what if it suddenly stops working correctly? PerfectXL quickly highlights differences between your current file and its previous versions. Even if you no longer have the previous version, PerfectXL can provide functionality, like a list of potential issues, for quick resolution.

Excel offers various ways to hide information, which can be useful but problematic if you need to make adjustments and you are not aware of hidden information. PerfectXL quickly notifies you and allows you to reveal all hidden information, even ‘very hidden’ worksheets, so you’re aware of what’s happening.

If a spreadsheet is filled with error messages, you can’t confidently share it with a client or colleague. Manually identifying each error is time-consuming and often a task to avoid. PerfectXL shows you where the error messages are, which cells they refer to, and their risk level, making it easy to resolve them quickly.

When precision is crucial, and quality and accuracy are requirements, it’s essential to check references of formula ranges. PerfectXL finds potential issues, risks, and weaknesses related to cell references, helping you avoid major errors.

Hardcoded numbers in formulas should be avoided, as it’s often unclear what they represent, and when variables in the model change, hardcoded number are often overlooked. PerfectXL helps you identify risky hardcoded numbers in your model, excluding common constants like 10, 100, and 1000.

Unclear naming and lack of documentation often lead to questions and issues when changes occur. PerfectXL quickly highlights differences between two versions, ensuring you’re aware of modifications. You can export the report to maintain a record of all developments.

Older models often use error-prone functions for which better alternatives now exist, but users may not be aware of this. PerfectXL identifies if a model contains error-prone functions, their locations, associated risks, and how they can be replaced, helping you update an older model with modern, stable functions.

Before delivering a model to a client, you often want to ensure they can only edit and see what they’re allowed to. With PerfectXL, you can easily mark unlocked cells to verify whether or not the form works correctly. Then, check the visual overview to confirm that all information not relevant to the user is appropriately hidden or removed.

An Excel model is more manageable and less error-prone when it has a clear structure leading from input to output. But what if everything is mixed up? PerfectXL visually shows connections and characteristics of tabs and cells. Knowing what’s input and what’s output gives you the knowledge needed to reorganize the model.

Creating a simple overview of all external sources is oddly challenging in Excel, but sometimes it’s necessary, especially when you need to share those sources or when an update isn’t possible. PerfectXL provides a visualization of all external sources, along with a list of formulas, defined names, and rules that reference them.

Spreadsheet Comparison :: Compare Structure

Concentrating for several hours is challenging, and mistakes can happen. After working on a model for extended periods, it’s beneficial to scan the quality of your work. You can use PerfectXL to compare the previous version of your model with the new one and ensure that only necessary changes have been made.

Models that have been in use for a while often accumulate outdated and irrelevant information, making spreadsheets harder to maintain, less predictable, and slower. PerfectXL clearly maps out which information is used in the file and where it’s located. This allows you to delete unused information and clean up your model effortlessly.

PerfectXL Guarantees Fast, High Quality Checks & Audits

One-minute scan for risks

Detailed explanation

Quick understanding

Read our Client Cases

“PerfectXL helps me stay within budget, and to satisfy all of my clients expectations when developing solutions or evaluating models.”

Jan Karel Pieterse
MVP, Owner JKP Application Development Services

Well-known organizations trust PerfectXL

4 Products in 1 Suite

PerfectXL Risk Finder :: 4 Products in 1 Suite

PerfectXL Risk Finder

The fastest way to find mistakes & identify risks in spreadsheets.

PerfectXL Compare :: 4 Products in 1 Suite

PerfectXL Compare

Spreadsheet comparison: version management for Excel made easy.

PerfectXL Highlighter :: 4 Products in 1 Suite

PerfectXL Highlighter

Gain insight and spot inconsistencies at a glance.

PerfectXL Explore :: 4 Products in 1 Suite

PerfectXL Explore

Visualize and understand (unfamiliar) Excel models quickly and easily.

PerfectXL has been developed with the best partners

“This add-in is so easy to use, the ability to just quickly spot when something might be going wrong is too valuable to ignore.”

Anja van Stokrom
Partner FundFinancials

Over 10 years of development

PerfectXL was conceived and developed by a small team of exceptionally dedicated experts. We collaborate with the Delft University of Technology, for example. State of the art.

All expertise comes together

Many experiences we have gained from customers, Excel models, the University and our product development are compiled in our Academy pages.

Four products, one thought

Excel work contains many aspects, but good control and clear overview are indispensable in any situation. Our tools are designed to support you with this.

Try it, it really works

Many of our customers could hardly believe it at first. Is so much grip and control of Excel possible? Sure it is! Our software looks at Excel from a different angle and it works.